News for: United Nations

Vietnam attends UN's high-level political forum

07/19/2017 12:17 - The high-level political forum on sustainable development is taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA.

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International Day of the Girl

10/12/2016 15:53 - Yesterday was the International Day of the Girl which remarked as the day to raise awareness and promote the protection of the girl around the world.

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Francophone Head visits

10/12/2016 06:06 - State President Tran Dai Quang received Michaelle Jean, Secretary General of the Francophone International in Hanoi on Tuesday.

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UN Deputy Secretary-General visits

05/05/2016 08:27 - State President Trần Đại Quang and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh met Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in Hanoi on Wednesday during his trip to Vietnam.


11th Legal Partner Forum opens in Hanoi

12/08/2015 14:28 - The amended Penal Code has gone some way in further ensuring human rights in Vietnam, according to Vietnamese and international experts at the 11th Legal partner Forum on Tuesday in Hanoi.

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ASEAN praises UN role in development

10/13/2015 11:31 - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) appreciates the United Nations’ role in and support for development activities in countries across the world, said the association’s representative.

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Vietnam commits to implementing 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

10/03/2015 08:24 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Nguyen Phuong Nga delivered her speech to highlight Vietnam’s commitment to implementing the United Nation’s goals.

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Vietnamese President attends UN Peace-keeping Summit

09/30/2015 10:24 - President Truong Tan Sang attended the United Nations Peace-keeping Summit held in New York on September 28 as part of the on-going 70th session of the UN General Assembly.

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Efforts continue to reduce mother and child mortality rates

09/28/2015 10:22 - Vietnam has recorded significant achievements in implementing its Millennium Development Goals or MDGs, especially in reducing child mortality and improving maternity health.

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Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang meets leaders at UN Summit

09/28/2015 06:47 - On the sidelines of the United Nations Summit in New York, State President Truong Tan Sang had separate meetings with the Turkmen President, Mozambique President, and Swedish Prime Minister.

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Vietnam shares experience in rural development at UN Summit

09/28/2015 06:00 - On the early morning of September 27th (Hanoi time), a senior conference on new rural development and sustainable communities was held in New York.

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Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang meets leaders at UN Summit

09/27/2015 14:12 - On the sidelines of the United Nations Summit in New York, State President Truong Tan Sang had separate meetings with the Turkmen President, Mozambique President, and Swedish Prime Minister.

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Vietnam commits to successfully implementing SDGs

09/27/2015 08:37 - The United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in New York on Friday (local time).

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Vietnam successfully implements MDGs

09/22/2015 08:39 - Vietnam has recorded dramatic results in the implementation of 8 MDGs over the last 15 years with 3 goals fulfilled ahead of 2015 deadline and 3 goals close to completion.

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Vietnam strives towards sustainable development goals

09/07/2015 14:00 - Vietnam has made great strides in achieving the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals over the past 15 years, and these results are paving the way for the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

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Highlights of Vietnam-UN partnership

08/27/2015 09:22 - Vietnam is celebrating 70 years of its foreign relations. Many international organisations have partnered with Vietnam during this process.

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UN's map identical to Cambodian map used in border demarcation

08/21/2015 13:07 - The map that the Cambodian government is using to determine its border with Vietnam is the same as the one preserved by the United Nations since 1964.

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Vietnamese students try out UN diplomat roles

08/01/2015 11:34 - Model United Nations (MUN) is a familiar activity for students all over the world. An MUN conference was held for the second time in Vietnam with the topic “Globalisation – Promises and Pitfalls”.

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