The series revolves around an awkward relationship between 2 families. Mr. Geum Man Soo and Mr. Kang Dea Ho – as then-best friends – got into a misunderstanding that resulted in their descendants.
Being a lowborn, Mr. Geum Man Soo takes efforts to become a famous chef as well as the owner of a restaurant. As his wife departed early, he warmly takes care of his 2 daughters – Geum Ga Eun and Geum Jung Eun.
Awkwardly, Mr. Kang Dea Ho got into another trouble with Mr. Geum Man Shoo, whose eldest daughter - Geum Ga Eun - fell in love with his son - Kang Gi Chan despite disapproval from both families.
78 episodes of Everything Will Be OK will be on air at 5pm daily on VTV, starting on July 6th 2016. The series is directed by Kim Won Yong, starring famous Korean actors and actresses, namely Choi Yoon Young, Kwak Shi Yang, Ohm Hyun Kyung, Song Jae Hee, Huh Jung Min, etc.
Stay tuned!