2019 national high school graduation exam set for June 25-27

by NDO21 March 2019 Last updated at 18:00 PM

Candidates sit the 2018 national high school graduation exam at the Quoc Hoc - Hue High School for the Gifted in Thua Thien - Hue province in June 2018. (Photo: NDO/Cong Hau)
Candidates sit the 2018 national high school graduation exam at the Quoc Hoc - Hue High School for the Gifted in Thua Thien - Hue province in June 2018. (Photo: NDO/Cong Hau)

VTV.vn - High school students will sit their graduation exam from June 25 to 27 this year, according to a recent announcement from the Ministry of Education and Training.

The schedule for the 2019 national high school graduation exam is the same as last year’s timeline.

Accordingly, at 2 pm on June 24, the contestants will go to the exam venues to fill in the exam procedures, correct errors (if any) and listen to the regulations and exam schedules.

Candidates will take five tests, including three independent tests of math, literature, foreign languages and two combined tests of natural science (physics, chemistry and biology) and social science (history, geography and civic education for students who follow secondary education level, or history and geography for candidates continuing education programmes at high school level).

To be eligible for high school graduation, candidates must take four exams, including three independent tests (math, literature and foreign languages) and a self-selected test among two combinatorial tests. Candidates following continuing education programmes must take three tests, including two independent tests (math and literature) and a selective test among the two combinatorial tests.

In order to use the exam results for admission to universities, colleges and intermediate schools, candidates must take independent exams and combination tests or component tests under the combination exams, in accordance with the regulations of the enrolment for universities, colleges and intermediate schools.

Math, foreign languages and combination exams are in the form of multiple choice tests, while the literature test is carried out in the form of an essay exam.

The detailed schedule for the three-day test is set as follows: on June 25, candidates take the literature test on the morning and math in the afternoon. On June 26, in the morning, they sit a combination test of natural science subjects (physics, chemistry and Biology), and foreign languages in the afternoon. In the morning of June 27, candidates take the test on social science subjects (history, geography and civic education).



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