The event was co-organised by the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN’s Regional Cooperation Programme in Vocational Education, featuring the participation of the ASEAN Secretariat, management focal points in labour, education and economics, representatives of ASEAN specialized agencies and representatives of some concerned international organisations.
This is one of a range of activities aimed at promoting the realisation of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work. The roadmap for implementing the Declaration was adopted by ASEAN Leaders at the 36th and 37th ASEAN Summit in 2020.
The Research report provides analysis and an overview of the current situation in human resource development policies in ASEAN member countries and provides strategies and examples to promote lifelong learning and future-ready skills, proposing action at regional and national level to advance the Human Resource Development Policy Framework.