Prompt preparation made to ensure early implementation of Land Law 2024: official

by NDO04 May 2024 Last updated at 23:25 PM

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Minh Ngan speaks at the Government’s monthly meeting in Hanoi on May 4. (Photo: VNA)
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Minh Ngan speaks at the Government’s monthly meeting in Hanoi on May 4. (Photo: VNA) - Ministries, sectors, and localities have been building documents providing detailed guidance for the implementation of the Land Law so the law can take effect on Jul 1, 2024, instead of Jan 1, 2025 as previously planned, said Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Minh Ngan

Speaking at the Government’s monthly meeting in Hanoi on May 4, Ngan said that as soon as the law was passed by the National Assembly, the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) and related ministries, sectors, and localities to urgently compile guiding documents to ensure that the law is coherent with relevant laws and will soon be enforced effectively.

According to the deputy minister, Ngan said that the MoNRE was assigned to draft six decrees and four circulars guiding the implementation of the law. The ministry has completed the task and the draft documents are being assessed by the Ministry of Justice before being submitted to the Prime Minister by May 10.

The ministry was also assigned to give advice to the Government in the building of a draft resolution allowing the law to take effect from July 1, 2024. The draft will be submitted to the National Assembly to get approval.

Moreover, the ministry has coordinated with other ministries, agencies, and localities to popularise the law, Ngan said.

The revised Land Law was passed at the 15th National Assembly’s fifth extraordinary session in January 2024. It has new points compared to the 2013 version such as separating the issue of land valuation from the support policy related to land; regulations on land withdrawal to serve the construction of socioeconomic infrastructure, and production and business activities; granting land use right certificates for land which has no documents without violating related laws.

The law is also expected to exert impacts on the business activities of overseas Vietnamese as it allows people of Vietnamese origin living in foreign countries to buy houses in Vietnam. There is no distinction between individuals at home and Vietnamese residing abroad in the right to land access.


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