Ho Dac Thanh Chuong won the championship at the “Road to Mt. Olympia’s Peak” 2016

by H.N23 August 2016 Last updated at 08:00 AM

VTV.vn - With 340 points scored, Ho Dac Thanh Chuong from Hue High School for the Gifted has become the champion at the Road to Mt. Olympia’s Peak 2016, receiving the scholarship worth 35,000 USD.

In the morning of August 21st, the final round of the Road to Olympia’s Peak 2016 was taking place with the competition of 4 candidates namely Lam Vu Tuan (Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted, Nam Dinh), Ho Dac Thanh Chuong (Hue High School for the Gifted, ThuaThien Hue), Phan Tien Tung (Nguyen Du High School for the Gifted, DakLak) and Le Duy Bach (Amsterdam High school for the Gifted, Hanoi).

Ultimately,Chuong outdistanced other competitors with 340 points, the highest score of 16 final rounds of The Road to Mt. Olympia’s Peak quiz show, receiving the scholarship worth 35,000 USD. Vu Tuan ranked the second with 255 points. Le Duy Bach and Phan Tien Tung share the third prize with 160 point and 110 points respectively.

“I’m so happy. My companion are all talent, I am the winner possibly thanks to a little of fortune”, Thanh Chuong modestly shared.

After the competition, Thanh Chuong revealed that he had never thought he would conquer the laurels. The boy from Hue only tried his best to achieve the highest score.

“Indeed, other three candidates are all excellent, performing well. I am just luckier than my companion” - said Thanh Chuong – “My most worrying moment is when I rang the bell to answer the key words at Overcoming obstacles round, the section which is of my weakness. When Tien Tung gave a wrong answer, I was also afraid that the one of mine would similarly be rejected. Fortunately the answer was right”.

“Prior to the final round, my teachers had been working hard to help me. Thus, with this prize, I really want to express my deep gratitude to my family, teachers and friends for havingbeen supporting, cheering me during those periods of time”. Chuong concluded.

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