Guidebook released to help Vietnamese residents in Japan

by VOV25 November 2019 Last updated at 19:37 PM - Japan’s immigration services agency has advised the Vietnamese people to read the Guidebook on Living and Working in Japan to learn more about Japanese regulations on labor, insurance and salary as well as other helpful tips.

Vietnamese currently staying in Japan or those who plan to move to this country can find detailed information ranging from pensions, welfare benefits and duties to houses for rent, schools and things to know in the guidebook, which was composed and edited by 15 Japanese ministries and agencies.

According to a section featuring basic knowledge before starting a job, employees can end their labor contract if they find that working conditions differ from those stated in the contract.

Also, a company cannot change working conditions without the approval of employees, especially when these conditions put employees at a disadvantage.

For job insurance, an employee who works 20 hours or more per week and plans to work for at least 31 days is eligible for insurance, regardless of being a part-time, temporary or contract employee. The company is responsible for registering the employee for job insurance.

Regarding salary, employees have to be paid directly, in full, on a monthly basis. An employee typically works eight hours per day and 40 hours per week.

He or she receives overtime pay at least 25% higher than the usual amount, if they work overtime as regulated, and 35% or more for working on public holidays.

Data from Japan’s immigration services agency showed that the number of foreign citizens residing in the country had reached a record high of 2.73 million people by December 2018.

The figure is expected to surge, particularly as Japan has adopted new policies approving the entry of foreign laborers since April this year.


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