Green Living Leaders is a reality television show for Generation Z, young people who are passionate about building a sustainable lifestyle. The show aims to spread the spirit of green living and encourage the reduction of emissions through everyday habits. The program presents real-life challenges related to eating, dressing, and living green. With the slogan "Gen Z Leads Green Living", the show is not only a creative platform for youth to showcase their skills but also a bridge to promote a a greener lifestyle to the community. It inspires individuals o make small changes that contribute to a more sustainable future.
To start the nationwide search for participants, the production team of "Green Living Leaders" recently held an engagement event with students at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City (Thu Duc Campus) which attracted the participation of thousands of students. At the event, students participated in various mini-games to learn and practice green living and environmental protection.
Additionally, young people at the event had the opportunity to register for an online casting call to become one of the Green Living Leaders. University students across the country can participate by scanning the program's QR code, and uploading a photo or video showcasing their latest green living actions to spread the green living spirit, accompanied by the program's hashtag. The deadline for submissions is December 15th. After the online casting round, the organizing committee will select the most outstanding individuals to join the Green Living Leaders team and advance to the next round.
Green Living Leaders is a new platform organized by Vietnam Television in collaboration with the Vietnam Students' Association. This reality program aims to spread the spirit of green living and actions to reduce emissions in daily life, targeting university students across the country. The show encourages small, familiar actions that contribute to larger societal changes, fostering a better life for all.
In each episode, participants have 48 hours to complete challenges based on the themes of Green Eating, Green Dressing, and Green Living. Contestants are divided into teams and accumulate CO2 credits throughout the rounds. The team with the fewest CO2 credits at the end of the show will be the winner. Teams that contribute to CO2 emissions will have additional points added to their CO2 accounts.
The final challenge will be the ultimate test, requiring teams to apply the knowledge accumulated from each episode (Green Eating, Green Dressing, Green Living) to give back to the community and society. Through these engaging challenges, "Green Living Leaders" hopes to inspire Generation Z to embrace a green lifestyle through innovative ideas that aim to solve major societal issues.
The program Green Living Leaders is expected to air on VTV3 in early 2025. Stay tuned!