At a dialogue on poverty reduction, Foreign minister Pham Binh Minh said Vietnam has completed 90% of millennium development goals for the past 15 years. Among these, Vietnam achieved the targets before the deadlines in poverty reduction, universal primary education, and gender equality.
Around 43 million Vietnamese people have been lifted out of poverty. The poverty rate went down from 29% in 2002 to 8.4% in 2014. Vietnam has succeeded in poverty reduction by both increasing income and providing a more comprehensive approach with healthcare services, education, housing, clean water, and information access.
According to the UN's report, around 700 million people across the globe were lifted out of extreme poverty after 15 years of implementing the millennium development goals. Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh delivered a speech at another UN event called: "From global conversation to global action: Making Sustainable Development Goals work".