Light is a documentary film produced by the VTV Artistic Programs Department, which tells the story of four characters who are blind, but with their love and effort have found the light for themselves and their children, people in the same situation.
With the desire to create impressive visual effects, the director put a lot of effort into working with lighting from the beginning of the movie. In telling the story of blind people's efforts to integrate into life, the production team chose music as a means of connecting four characters who are all in different circumstances, but all share one commonality: passion.
Through careful filming and attention to every frame, the production team hopes to spread the spirit of optimism, strength, and never-say-die attitude of these blind people. From there, the movie conveys a meaningful message: "For the blind, music is light, it helps them express their passion, gives them more faith and vitality.
Each character has a destiny, a unique journey to music. Music has helped them find meaning and purpose in life.