Highlights of VTV programming on the War Martyrs and Invalids Day

by Thu Nguyen19 July 2017 Last updated at 11:11 AM

VTV.vn - In the month of July, VTV will be delivering to audience many special programmes

In observance of the 70th anniversary of War Martyrs and Invalids day (27/7), many activities will be held to honour the soldiers who have fallen for the liberation of our country and  remind the young people of the tradition of repaying someone for their sacrifices.

Vietnam Television  VTV will be broadcasting special programmes on this occasion including the documentary Live and Recount to be aired on VTV Special, the multi-location live broadcast Vietnam’s Stance with 4 locations in the North – Central Highlands  – South, and The Proud Melody – Like the Legends.

VTV Special July: Live and Recount (21h40, 22/7, VTV1)

Broadcasted on VTV Special this July, the documentary Live and Recount was produced in in Quang Tri province. This documentary shot in many Quang Tri historical places like Old Fort Quang Tri, Thach Han river, Long Hung cathedral, Long Quang steel post …

With the participation of veterans from both sides, the documentary will not only retell the story of 81 days and nights protecting Old Fort by soldiers of the People’s Army of Vietnam, but it will also recreate in parts the destruction, the sacrifices, and the memories that still last until now.

Multi-location live broadcast: Vietnam's Stance (20h10, 26/7, VTV1)

Multi-location live broadcast of Viet Nam’s Stance  is conducted  at 4 locations: National historic district 27/7, Bàn Cờ quater, Hùng Sơn vilage, Đại Từ district, Thái Nguyên province; Moument of the heroic matyrs on Bắc Sơn Road, Ba Đình, Hà Nội; Quảng Trị Old Fort and Bến Dược memorial temple, Củ Chi, HCMC.

As a tribute to heroic matyrs, war invalids, people with meritorious services to the country on Remembrance Day (27/7), the programme is hosted by 4 MCs Quang Minh, Hoài Anh, Hồng Phúc and Hoàng Trang.

The Proud Melody: Like the Legends  (20h10, 29/7, VTV1)

Selecting “tribute” as a theme throughout The Proud Melody  in July, the program features  stories from previous generations about sacrifices during two long wars.

Watching the show, audience will enjoy many famous songs from revolutionary era, like Vết chân tròn, Cỏ non thành cổ, Bế Văn Đàn sống mãi, Nguyễn Viết Xuân cả nước yêu thương, Biết ơn Võ Thị Sáu, Miền xa thẳm và Chuyện tình thảo nguyên …

Especially, through conversations with guests, the program producer expected to convey the message  – “Sacrifaction is not an aim, sacrificing for peace and independence shall never be forgotten. Spirits of the previous generations will forever accompany the country and next generations” .


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