Realty market has opportunities from trade war

by , December 2018 Last updated at 08:59 AM

China trade war would generate more opportunities than challenges for Việt Nam’s real estate market, experts said at the Việt Nam Real Estate Summit (VRES) in Hà Nội on Wednesday


Apartment buildings in HCM City. Two-thirds of the total 65,000 apartments introduced to the market in Hà Nội and HCM City markets have been sold so far in 2018, according to real estate services firm CBRE Vietnam. — VNA/VNS Photo Anh Tuấn
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — The US – China trade war would generate more opportunities than challenges for Việt Nam’s real estate market, experts said at the Việt Nam Real Estate Summit (VRES) in Hà Nội on Wednesday.

At the annual event organised by Việt Nam’s largest property portal, economist Cấn Văn Lực said the trade war would trigger a shift in production and Việt Nam was among leading destinations.

Lực cited findings of the American Chamber of Commerce that said one third of US companies in China had moved or planned to move parts of their production plants to other countries.

This would increase demand for industrial land as well as housing for workers and other technical infrastructure, he said.

Investors were adjusting their portfolios over worries about risks that might arise from the trade tensions. Lực said, adding they might consider increasing investment in real estate companies, property projects and the retail segment in Việt Nam through mergers and acquisition deals.

Lực noted that Việt Nam was the only emerging economy which did not see a decline in foreign indirect investment.

According to Nguyễn Quốc Anh, deputy general director of, the property market in the northern region, especially in neighbouring provinces of Hà Nội where there are a number of industrial zones such as Vĩnh Phúc, Bắc Ninh, Bắc Giang and Hà Nam, would be robust.

Experts at the conference were upbeat about the development of the real estate market in the next two years.

Quốc Anh predicted the property market would continue its stable development in 2019, fuelled by macro-economic stability.

Despite land price fever in early months of this year in some localities, which are expected to be developed into special administrative economic zones, the market moved back to stability, he said. The mid-end apartment segment would continue to lead the market, he added.

Anh said technology would be a major development trend in the property market in coming years as smart homes become more popular and investors increase the use of advanced technologies in developing and marketing their projects.

“I remain positive about the property market in 2019-20,” Dương Thùy Dung, director of real estate services firm CBRE Vietnam, said. “However, the market will be more challenging as the competition will grow fiercer for developers. This will benefit home seekers and investors as the market will have abundant products while prices will not increase much.”

Dương said the market development in 2018 was robust, beating earlier forecasts as the number of apartments opening for sale and the number of successful transactions did not see any significant decreases over the previous year.

CBRE statistics showed that a total of 65,000 apartments were pumped into the market in Hà Nội and HCM City in 2018 and around two thirds were sold, similar to last year.

Dung anticipated that supply would increase next year and successful transactions would be at around 85 per cent. — VNS


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