Us 8 Years Later revolves around the life stories of four young men, namely Lam, Duong, Tung and Nguyet. In their youth, these four young people formed two marriages, experienced a time of love, and lived an unforgettable youth to the fullest.
But events occur that change them all. Duong: from a bright, cheerful and charming girl who lived through a tragedy and when she grew up, she became a girl who lived without care, without faith, without hope. Lam, a young man who was confident in his abilities and aspirations, but in the midst of danger, he decided to give up on love and agree to hurt the girl he loved the most.
Meanwhile, Nguyet and Tung once loved each other as passionately as they do now. When they married and had children, they both faced new difficulties.
The movie will be officially broadcast on VTV3 channel every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 21:40, starting on November 6, after the Black Dope movie ends.