RoK’s parliament speaker visits Ninh Binh

by VNA15 January 2023 Last updated at 14:00 PM

Secretary of Ninh Binh provincial Party Commitee Nguyen Thi Thu Ha meets Speaker of the RoK's National Assembly Kim Jin-pyo on January 15. (Photo: VNA)
Secretary of Ninh Binh provincial Party Commitee Nguyen Thi Thu Ha meets Speaker of the RoK's National Assembly Kim Jin-pyo on January 15. (Photo: VNA) - Speaker of the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s National Assembly (NA) Kim Jin-pyo visited the northern province of Ninh Binh and had a working session with local authorities on January 15.

Speaker Kim and his entourage were briefed the province's Party building, socio-economic development in 2022 as well as outcomes in cooperation between Ninh Binh province and RoK cities by Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the provincial National Assembly deputy delegation.

Ninh Binh targets comprehensive, rapid and sustainable development, toward green growth and high quality, Ha said, adding that the province focuses on improving the investment and business environment, effectively eliminating difficulties for companies, and attracting investments, including those from the RoK.

Currently, the province is home to 41 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects from the RoK, accounting for 27.08% of the total number of FDI projects in the province.

Korean FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 413 million USD are operating effectively, making contributions to local economic growth, bringing a great source of revenue to the provincial budget as well as creating jobs for local workers.

In 2022, Thanh Cong Group and Hyundai Motor contributed more than 80% of the province's budget revenue.

Ha said that she hopes Speaker Kim and his entourage will continue to support cooperation between the province and RoK cities as well as help promote the image of Ninh Binh to Koreans.

Kim, for his part, proposed Ninh Binh continue to create favourable conditions and support RoK businesses operating here, and suggested setting up a hotline between the province and the RoK Embassy in Vietnam to actively support RoK citizens when necessary.

Kim said Ninh Binh is increasingly becoming a famous tourist destination, and he expects in the coming time, more and more Korean tourists will visit the province.


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