Realising the newly passed laws and resolutions

by NDO30 June 2024 Last updated at 14:10 PM

The 7th session has completed all proposed agenda.
The 7th session has completed all proposed agenda. - The 15th National Assembly successfully wrapped up its 7th session on June 29 in Hanoi, after 27.5 days of working with a sense of seriousness, science, democracy and high responsibility.

The 7th session has completed all proposed agenda.

On the first days of the session, the National Assembly elected the President, Chairman of the National Assembly, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, and members of the National Assembly Standing Committee; approved the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security, as well as members of the National Defence and Security Council and carried out other personnel matters within its authority.

Promoting the results of previous sessions, upholding the spirit of seriousness, democracy, and responsibility, over the past working days, with their experience, knowledge, and strong courage, the National Assembly delegates expressed their role and responsibility as the people's representatives.

During the sitting, National Assembly delegates had lively, democratic, and straightforward discussions, with many profound opinions being given in a constructive spirit.

This 7th session had the largest content on legislative work compared to the previous sessions of the 15th National Assembly. The bills and draft resolutions, discussed during the session covered multiple areas, which attracted great interest from voters and people across the country.

With a high approval rate, the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly passed 11 laws and 21 resolutions, including three legal resolutions, while providing initial comments on 11 draft laws and considering other key issues.

The next task is for relevant agencies and National Assembly deputies to continue to research, proactively and promptly prepare content to be submitted for the 8th session of the National Assembly.

Inheriting and promoting the 75-year tradition of the Vietnamese National Assembly, the 15th National Assembly continues to innovate working methods, and improve quality and operational efficiency for the highest goal of serving the interests of the nation, for the happiness of the people; while improving the quality and efficiency of the National Assembly’s activities in terms of legislation, supreme supervision, and decision-making on critical matters facing the country.

The question-and-answer sessions held during the sitting touched upon the pressing issues that draw much interest and attention from voters, people across the country, and National Assembly deputies. The question-and-answer activity is a highly effective form of parliamentary supervision.

The recent important outcomes of the session affirmed that, despite a busy schedule, the National Assembly is constantly innovating its operating methods and improving the quality of decision-making on important national issues, in terms of organisational structure and high-ranking personnel, as well as on goals, targets, policies, fundamental tasks of socio-economic development, investment policies in national target programmes and important national projects.

The legislative body has also improved the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of policy-making decisions, on national finance and currency, ensuring discipline, openness, transparency, and accountability in the financial-budget sector.

To ensure that "the laws are enforced justly, strictly, consistently, promptly, effectively and efficiently", the National Assembly requests the Government, agencies of the National Assembly, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the State Audit, and relevant agencies and organisations, to focus on directing, thoroughly grasping, and effectively implementing the newly-passed laws and resolutions.

Through their decisions, the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies, the entire Party, the people, the army and organisations in the political system, promote the highest spirit of "self-reliance, self-confidence, self-strength, self-resilience, and national pride, strive to successfully implement all policies and guidelines of the Party and the Resolution of the Party’s 13th National Congress, strive to successfully realise the country's goals towards celebrating the Party's 100th founding anniversary and the 100th founding anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam - now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

With the pride of the glorious Party, great President Ho Chi Minh, and the heroic Vietnamese people, as well as expectations on the future development of the country, and the requirements and tasks in the new period, the National Assembly and its leaders determined to make the highest efforts and determination to join the entire Party, people, and army, in successfully implementing the goal of building a prosperous, civilised, and happy country.

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