
Hung Yen continues to promote e-government building towards digital government

by VNA26 September 2024 Last updated at 19:39 PM

Hung Yen continues to promote e-government building towards digital government
Hung Yen continues to promote e-government building towards digital government - The implementation of e-government building towards digital government in Hung Yen Province is coming to life, initially bringing practical results and creating new development in Hung Yen.

Initial results

Implementing Resolution No. 06-NQ/TU dated June 15, 2021, of Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee on the digital transformation programme of Hung Yen Province for the period 2021 - 2025, with a vision to 2030, in recent years, the e-government building towards the digital government in Hung Yen Province has initially achieved many positive results.

100% of administrative agencies from the province to the commune effectively use the internal network system, broadband internet connection, level II specialised data transmission network connection and document management software.

The IOC smart operating platform of Hung Yen Province operates effectively, exploiting data to serve the direction and operation in many areas, such as budget revenue and expenditure, administrative procedure processing, press information, social networks and communications, healthcare, education, and population status on the national population database platform.

The Public Service Portal system and the One-stop information system of Hung Yen Province provide all online public services to levels 3 and 4 according to a suitable roadmap, perform administrative procedure settlement in the electronic environment, and digitise the results of administrative procedure settlement.

Agencies have standardised and digitised the business process of processing records, forms, and reporting regimes in the network environment. They also sent and received electronic documents and reports signed with digital signatures according to regulations between state management agencies, socio-political organisations, enterprises and people, and synchronously digitised records and stored electronic work records of state agencies.

Hung Yen Province's online public services provide 1,789 administrative procedures, and 100% of eligible administrative procedures are provided in full to serve people and businesses.

According to the People and Business Service Index on the National Public Service Portal, Hung Yen Province ranked 5th out of 63 provinces and cities, contributing to the good implementation of the tasks of Project 06, the province's digital transformation.

Effective digital transformation has spread throughout the economy and society.

Hung Yen Province's industry and trade sector supports export enterprises to participate in the Alibaba e-commerce platform and the leading B2B e-commerce platform of the Republic of Korea (EC21); support businesses in building booths, participating in exhibitions in the digital environment, introducing overviews and posting information about products and services through images, videos, 3D images, 360-degree rotation, connected to digital platforms, cross-border trade promotion websites; support businesses, cooperatives, and business households to introduce, promote and build brands in the online environment, successfully applying e-commerce.

Businesses use the Internet to serve their work, search for information and exchange information, exploit the advantages of the Internet to reach customers and use e-commerce to develop production and business development brands.

In Hung Yen Province, about 70% of businesses have built websites with content introducing the company providing product information, and 100% have implemented electronic tax payment and electronic invoices, the rate of electronic contract transactions is about over 10%.

The agricultural, forestry and fishery traceability system ( is currently storing information on more than 900 agricultural, forestry and fishery products of the province and maintaining and managing the Electronic Agricultural Atlas (WebGIS) of Hung Yen Province with specialised pages showing indicators on the current status and development orientation of production and consumption of the province's key agricultural products to serve the timely and convenient information lookup and sharing for management work to improve the quality and efficiency of key products, properly implementing the province's agricultural development strategy.

The agricultural sector continues to maintain, manage and operate several databases, such as those of the agricultural and rural development sector and Hung Yen Province's fisheries database systems.

Enterprises continue to provide electronic digital signature products to people and businesses to conduct electronic transactions for fields and industries with online forms. 100% of schools in the area are equipped with online learning platforms to serve teaching and learning in the online environment.

100% of educational institutions have implemented a cashless fee collection solution. 100% of hospitals, medical centres, and health stations have deployed software for medical examination, treatment management and health insurance payment.

Continuing to promote digital transformation

The application of information technology and digital technology promotes effectiveness in the leadership, direction, management, and operation of Party committees and authorities at all levels, contributing to improving the quality of service to people and businesses and building e-government and digital government. The businesses and people widely apply information technology and digital technology in production, business activities and life, and the digital economy accounts for an increasingly large proportion of the economy.

For Resolution No. 06-NQ/TU to continue to be promoted and spread in society, bringing practical results, Vice Chairman of Hung Yen Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duy Hung said that Hung Yen Province focuses resources on implementing the Digital Transformation Project of Hung Yen Province for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030, and approved Digital Transformation Plans.

The province continues to direct departments, branches, and localities to review and upgrade to ensure the criteria of 100% of eligible public services being provided online at level 4 on the Provincial Public Service Portal and synchronised to the National Public Service Portal, synchronously deploy solutions and mobilise all resources of all levels and branches to increase the rate of administrative procedure settlement records in the online environment.

Hung Yen Province will review, complete, integrate and develop the administrative database system to achieve the goal. By the end of 2025, ensure that over 90% of the total number of work records at the provincial level, over 80% of the total number of work records at the district level and over 60% of the total number of work records at the commune level are processed online. Continue to complete and develop the Hung Yen Provincial Smart Operations Center, contributing to the construction of a digital government and the development of a digital society. Direct Hung Yen City and My Hao Town to focus on implementing tasks and solutions to build smart cities according to Resolution 06-NQ/TU. Develop and promulgate a set of criteria for assessing digital transformation in Hung Yen Province, deploy an automatic digital transformation index assessment system, connect with the province's IOC system, and connect with the Ministry of Information and Communications assessment system. Carry out inspection, assessment and preliminary review work according to regulations and adjust and deploy appropriate and effective tasks and solutions. Strengthen training and development activities and gradually improve the capacity and quality of staff and civil servants advising on digital transformation at departments, branches, and localities.

With the participation of Party committees and authorities at all levels, the digital transformation work of Hung Yen Province continues to come to life, contributing to creating new development for Hung Yen.
