Foreign media hails Vietnam’s achievements in COVID-19 control

by NDO14 May 2020 Last updated at 12:35 PM

Vietnam's response to COVID-19 has been praised by many, with the official death toll at zero. (AP: Hau Dinh)
Vietnam's response to COVID-19 has been praised by many, with the official death toll at zero. (AP: Hau Dinh) - Foreign media agencies worldwide have highly lauded Vietnam for its great success in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in recent time.

Australia’s ABC News published an article on May 13 highlighting that Vietnam created a remarkable achievement in the fight against COVID-19 epidemic.

It also noted that the key to Vietnam's success was “strategic testing, aggressive contact tracing and effective public communications campaigns”.

Most importantly, the country did these things quickly, added ABC News.

According to the Australian media agency, while the disease remains a worrying trend elsewhere in South-East Asia, Vietnam is an unlikely outlier.

* The US’s Daily Hampshire newspaper had an article on Vietnam’s effective fight against COVID-19. Thus far, there have only been 288 confirmed infections and zero deaths in the country because it took a science-based approach to combattingthe virus and disease.

The article also emphasised that Vietnam’s government has never minimised the threat of COVID-19, while appreciating the country’s efforts in COVID-19 testing right at border points and in communication.

According to the newspaper, the “multi-tier isolation system helped authorities break the chain of infection” and the Communist Party of Vietnam, very early, offered the motto of “fighting the epidemic is like fighting against the enemy.”

Vietnam has achieved an early response to the epidemic as well as mobilised large sources in preparation for the fight against the epidemic, including improving sufficient industrial capacity that could be directed to produce necessary equipment.

* Speaking on CT24 channel of Czech Television, Honorary President of the Czech-Vietnam Friendship Association Marcel Winter hailed the sentiment and meaningful activities of the overseas Vietnamese (OVs) community in the country amidst the COVID-19 fight.

Accordingly, when the Czech Republic reported the first infection case on March 1, the OVs launched a movement of making face masks, raised money to support the hospitals, and donated free snacks and drinks to the local functional areas.


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