August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship

by Khánh Huyền10 August 2024 Last updated at 15:14 PM - The August episode of Proud Melodies draws inspiration from the poem "Comrade" by poet Chinh Huu. The program will present viewers with exceptional musical performances.

The comradeship forged in the ranks of the Vietnamese  People's Army during the protracted resistance wars against French colonialists and American imperialists has become an enduring tradition. This sacred bond remains a defining characteristic of the generations of soldiers who followed President Hồ Chí Minh. Whether in times of war or peace, this comradeship is a foundational element of our army's revolutionary heroism, fostering theu nity that enables soldiers to overcome challenges and excel in their missions. The August episode of Proud Melodies, themed Comrade, will vividly portray the comradeship of soldiers from the past and present.

This program is a collaboration between the Propaganda Department of the General Department of Politics and   Entertainment Program Production BDepartment of Vietnam Television (VTV) to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's Army and the 35th anniversary of the National Defense Day.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 1.

The August episode  of Proud Melodies is structured in  three chapters entitled "Your Homeland is Salty, Sour Land";   "Gun Beside Gun, Head Close to Head" and "Comrade".

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 2.

Interwoven throughout the program are documentaries that highlight comradeship across Vietnam,  from the love story between a female volunteer and a truck driver on the Truong Son trail, to the vibrant friendships of young students on the fierce battlefield, to the touching act of a soldier naming his daughter after a comrade who fought in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. These stories once again celebrate the solidarity and mutual support among soldiers in hardship, further enriching the historical tapestry of our nation.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 3.

Featured in the program are notable figures associated with different historical periods. Among them is composer Dao Huu Thi, known as the "composer of Truong Son" with over 100 popularsongs. On stage, artifacts like his pith helmet, handwritten sheet music from the battlefield, and youthful photo albums serve as tangible reminders of his wartime experiences. Particularly poignant is his live performance of songs about camaraderie on the guitar, each song telling a story of camaraderie, love, pain, and hope shared by soldiers.

Hosts Duc Bao and Hong Nhung will interact with composer Dao Huu Thi, the Truong Son composer, who has created more than 100 timeless songs.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 4.
August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 5.
August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 6.
August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 7.
August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 8.

A highlight of the program is the unexpected reunion of Mr. Trinh Duy Luan and two comrades, representatives of the National Economics University Veterans Association, discussing their efforts to honor and connect with fallen student soldiers. Letters exchanged between the soldiers vividly illustrate the deep comradeship that endured despite the brutal warfare that made communication difficult. The promise that ”if we survive, we’ll visit each other’s families", became a driving force for veterans seeking to reunite after the war.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 9.

Mr. Trinh Duy Luan (center) with his two comrades. Photo: VTV

Nearly 50 years after their enlistment, these veterans have fulfilled their old promises. They have overcome numerous hardships to visit the homes and graves of their fallen comrades. These journeys are not only a return to the past but also a tribute to those who sacrificed for the country’s independence and freedom.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 10.

Mr. Doan Xuan Ngoc, nephew of martyr Doan Xuan Quang, a classmate of Mr. Trinh Duy Luan K11 class at the University of Economics. Photo: VTV

Music has been not only   a passion but also a companion, helping these veterans overcome loss and grief and to continue creating. Additionally, the stage of this edition of “Proud Melodies” will witness   reunions and emotional exchanges with the families of the martyrs, presented in a heartfelt and nostalgic manner.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 11.

As usual, music will serve as the thread that links  the stories and documentaries in the program. With seven familiar songs—"Comrade Medley", "March Together to Glory & We Go to War Today", "Students March to the Battlefield", "Comrade", "Red Flower", "The Soldier’s Heart", and "Vietnam in My Heart"—arranged by composer Hoang Anh Minh in a fresh style. The program will also feature beloved artists such as People’s Artist Tan Minh, the group Dong Thoi Gian, singers Ta Quang Thang, Hoang Hong Ngoc, Pham Thu Ha, Tung Duong, the National Economics University Veterans Association, and professional choirs, who will perform new and emotionally charged songs.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 12.

The program's stage design will be equally captivating, with a large LED screen providing dynamic backdrops to match  each song's setting.

August’s Proud Melodies: A Tribute to Comradeship - Ảnh 13.

Whether in war or peace, the comradeship among soldiers remains a profound and sacred bond that deeply moves   and educates   younger generations about the traditional values of solidarity and mutual support in our nation. The August edition of “Proud Melodies” will evoke not only the spirit of comradeship but also the unity and patriotism of the Vietnamese people.

Tune in to Proud Melodies in August, airing at 20:40 on August 11 on VTV1.

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