This is a documentary series produced by VTV’s Documentary and Reportage Center. "Following The Clues” narrated 30 notorious crime investigations including drug trafficking, kidnappings and high-tech fraud. The cases are carefully re-enacted, showing the fierce struggle between the police detectives and criminal gangs.
Each episode of Following The Clues will depict a case of fighting with dangerous crimes, including serious murder cases, to capture the perpetrators and decipher the sophisticated fraud tactics in the underworld of transnational high-tech crime. International cooperation in crime combat is also a theme of the documentary, showing the outstanding achievements of the police force.
"The footage of the film was carefully shot with elaborate details, showing the fierce battle between the crime investigators and criminal gangs,” a member of the production crew said.
The first episode of the documentary series will be on air on July 18 at 20h10 on VTV1.