Selected themes in the Vietnam Footprint program, to name a few, are "Uncle Ho and the Purity of Vietnamese Language", "The Image of Lotus in Vietnamese Buddhist Culture", "Vietnam's Footprint in Vietnamese Culture - International Peace Missions", "Vietnamese Martial Arts - The Footprint of Vietnamese Martial Arts Spreading Around the World", "The Journey of Vietnamese Rice Grains", which have shown the values, beauties and characteristics of the Vietnamese nation. These are also the criteria the team works with when choosing a theme.
In addition to carefully researched content and the participation of guests who are renowned experts and advisors, the production team always focuses on how to present each program topic. Diverse in theme, elaborate in expression, "Vietnam Footprint" program conveys Vietnamese values par excellence in many fields, making viewers, especially today's young audience living and studying abroad, understand and feel more deeply the love and national pride.
Vietnam Footprint is broadcast every second Friday at 19:45 on VTV4 channel.