The Proud Vietnamese Melodies series of Entertainment Program Production department's first transmission is titled "Green Aspiration." Participants in "Green Aspiration" are guests who are employed in a variety of agricultural areas throughout Vietnam.
They discussed the achievements of Vietnamese agriculture, contemporary inventions and agricultural initiatives, and the excitement and contributions of young people in improving Vietnam's agriculture and rural areas.
The team carefully researched the content to surprise the guests in the studio. They wanted to use a specific story to provide an overview of Vietnam's agricultural landmarks.
The public favorites I'm Walking in the Middle of the Golden Sea, Singing About Rice Today, Youth Follow Uncle Ho's Teachings, Vietnam Is a New Day, and Vietnam Is in Me are performed during the performance.
Green Aspiration consists of 3 parts: "Seeds", "Spring" and "Strong and Abundant Strengthening". Through conversations with guests, stories told for the first time, reports, and songs loved by the audience, the program conveyed the importance of the achievements and development of Vietnam's agriculture in the coming period.