
ASEAN-Japan Science, Technology and Innovation 2020 Sympoisum

by T.K17 January 2020 Last updated at 14:57 PM

ASEAN-Japan Science, Technology and Innovation 2020 Sympoisum - ASEAN-Japan Science, Technology and Innovation 2020 Sympoisum took place in Hanoi, Vietnam on 17-19th January 2020.

Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam and JASTIP (Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform) are pleased to invite all press in Vietnam to the ASEAN-Japan Science, Technology and Innovation Symposium: “Where Science and Policy intertwine: Dialogue between Scientists and Policy-Makers for Sustainable Development in the ASEAN region”. It will be jointly organized with ASEAN COSTI (ASEAN Commission of Science, Technology and Innovation), and supported by National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA, Thailand), Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI, Indonesia), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) as well as Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MEXT) in order to contribute to Vietnam 2020 ASEAN Chairmanship Year.

The Symposium will be opened in the afternoon of 17th by H.E. Dr. Bui The Duy, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam. Dr. Mitsunobu Kano R, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan will deliver a keynote lecture on Japanese Policy on STI for the scientific diplomacy, and ASEAN-COSTI will present ASEAN Innovation Roadmap 2019-2025, ASEAN’s key framework on STI Policy and Action. For the 2nd day, H.E. Akira Chiba, Ambassador of Japanese Mission to ASEAN will deliver an opening remarks on the 2nd day to emphasize the importance on Japan-ASEAN collaboration on STI in order to attain the targets set by ASEAN Vision 2025 and UN Sustainable Development Goals. . In the following topical sessions, prominent figures from ASEAN Member States and Japan will present the cases for Science and Policy dialogues in the field of disaster risk reduction, renewable energy, sustainable consumption and biodiversity conseration and utilization, which are imminent challenges that AMS are addressing.

The Symposium directly provides audience with insights on the needs and challenges of collaborations between scientists and policy makers so that scientific outputs could more contribute to solve societal challenges, to find the way forward how ASEAN and Japan will collaborate more closely and effectively to achieve the SDGs as a common agenda for both parties in this decade.