
Thua Thien - Hue supports Lao provinces in Covid-19 prevention

by NDO05 May 2020 Last updated at 11:54 AM

Comments0 - A delegation from Thua Thien – Hue Province presented medical equipment for Covid-19 prevention and control to the Lao provinces of Savannakhet, Salavan and Sekong at Lao Bao International Border Gate on May 4.

The delegation was led by Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Bui Thanh Ha.

Vietnam’s central province donated 50,000 medical masks, 800 protective suits, and 250 litres of disinfectant solution to each locality of Laos.

On the occasion, leaders from the provinces of Thua Thien –Hue and Savannakhet exchanged information on the epidemic’s situation as well as experience in Covid-19 prevention and control.

Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Bui Thanh Ha said that with the spirit of good neighbourliness and traditional friendship, Thua Thien – Hue will support the Lao localities in the fight against the pandemic.

For his part, Deputy Secretary of the Savannakhet Provincial Party Committee cum Deputy Governor of the province Phoxay Xaynhasone expressed his sincere thanks for the support of the Thua Thien – Hue Party committee, authorities and people.

He also noted that Savannakhet Province will closely coordinate with Thua Thien – Hue to effectively prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic.